

49 - Straight

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

May 10, 2014 09:55

Hi! I don't know if you're looking for someone like me, but hey, where's the harm in trying.
Maybe I'm fishing with the wrong bait - I don't have my own house, a car or a great job. I have my good looks, my soft heart and my sense of humour (I might be having you on about the good looks).

Anyway, hello there! I'm kinda new at this, so it may get a little bumpy. A little about me:

I'm a genuine, kind and honest fella who is polite, caring and affectionate.
I tend not to take things too seriously, especially myself, and am generally cheerful and pretty easygoing.
I'm a maker of things, a fixer-upper and like building & sculpting things for fun or gifts.

I have a romantic streak a mile wide, I enjoy hugs, snuggles & cuddles - I give as good as I get and I am a little old-fashioned in a gentlemanly way. I can be a little shy at first meeting people, but it passes quickly in good company, though I am a really good listener.
I can be silly & fun and yeah, a little flirty and cheeky at times, when the mood calls for it.
I wear my heart on my sleeve, always have, so I don't lie, cheat or play games. That's no way to start or carry on with anything in my view.

I'm a still a little heavier than I'd like, but getting much better as I've recently dropped a few stone (now a 36 waist), and aim to get fitter, too.
Built for comfort, not for speed.
I enjoy good food, just better food. Trying to learn to cook, but for one it's not quite worth the effort.

I tend to be more of a homebody, but enjoy heading out & visiting places that are actually, y'know, outside. Even in daylight! The right cuddly companion is a must, though. I work five days a week, but love to get away somewhere on my days off.

I'm a movie fan, and like to get to the cinema as often as I can, especially with good company, as it's always better when you can have a nice chat over a drink about the movie afterwards.
My DVDs range from Film Noir, Sci-Fi, Horror, Action and Fantasy, with a few comedies and Muppet movies thrown in.
Music wise, I'm pretty eclectic, ranging from ambient, heavy metal, soundtracks, blues, old-school and operatic rock, plus a lot more, whatever suits the mood. More of a rocker, I guess. Not a dancer. Not enough alcohol.
I read a lot, and have a long list of regular authors I enjoy, always looking for new series reads. Currently embarking upon rereading all the Discworld novels.

Oh, don't let the pics fool you - I'm not always so serious, I'm more of a fan of Halloween than of having my picture taken! I'm pretty sure I'm not a serial killer.

I'm looking for a real woman, and real curves are fine with me. Someone who enjoys an easy life, enjoys cuddles, who can make me laugh and finds my odd jokes funny. Similar interests would be good, but we can share in new experiences together, which is kind of the point.
Friendship and companionship are great things to begin with, and a similar age would be good, though not essential.

My ideal evening in would be snuggling on the sofa with a lovely lady as the stories play out on screen while holding each other close, or taking a walk on a warm moonlit night, hand in hand, watching the stars. An ideal evening out would be dinner and a movie, an age-old, romantic classic. I'm an old romantic at heart.

Life is too damn short, let's have fun while we're still able!

If you fancy a little friendly natter, drop me a message, I'll fetch us a cuppa & a biscuit or two. Choccy digestive? Custard cream?
Thanks for reading,

* Edited from the former novel.



Age: 36 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 25 / bi

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

After Dark

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West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 29 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 50 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Angelous Ceaser

Age: 39 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 22 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 37 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom