

50 - Straight

West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Nov 11, 2015 20:57

Monday through Friday, I’m a ninja-with-numbers.
Wielding my calculator like a set of flaming nun chucks, I cause most auditors to shrivel back into their cubicles in shame... Hiyah!!!!!!

"Fear me"

I'm more of an outdoors type Miss, looking for those unexplored adventures. more walking boots than hooker heels but I can rock a pair if need be... not much of a couch dweller, unless it's movie night and cuddles. or clubber either so if your idea of heaven is out getting Brahms and Liszt then stuffing kebab down your throat every weekend,we really wont get along..

Restless, analytic, opinionated, sarcastic, sophisticated, witty, dorky, sensitive and free-spirited. Also a fan of adjectives.

More Velma than Daphne with a dash of shaggy for entertainment value.
I'm an hour glass shaped girlie, Oh and I do stunt work. Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actress has to reveal her naked bum? That’s my job.

I did Princess Fiona and Donkey last year.

If you don’t believe everything I said, but still think I’m kinda cute. or if you just love Marmite.. please say Hi

Most of the time, I don’t take myself very seriously. Most of the time, you shouldn't, either...... unless of course I tell you I am being serious...

*Waggles brows*

“This chick wears her nerdiness like a Jedi wears his light saber or a Lensman her lens. Couldn't have passed for Normal if she had wanted to.”



Age: 32 / bi

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 24 / bi

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 32 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 53 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Megan destiny

Age: 22 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 46 / gay

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / bi

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 45 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 39 / bi

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Yorkshire
United Kingdom