

42 - Bi

Monmouthshire, United Kingdom

Mar 3, 2014 15:34

I truely have no idea what to write here...


I am a 31 year old average woman, a few extra pounds to love, but not massivly so! I try to spell correctly but inevitably get it wrong.
I have a number of tattoos, as I do love them.
My last relationship was with a woman, so not sure thats what I want now.
I have short hair as I was dared to shave it all off....
I love music, very ecleptic, reading and hiking, but my aches and pains often get in the way. I guess I'm quite quiet but I cetainly have my moments, especially when Merlot is involved.... or certain friends who are a terrible influence. So you see its not my fault.
I am pretty involved in my anglican church, but I'm not pedantic about it. If you like dares or are just brave you could try my cooking and baking.. it can be a bit hit and miss... usually hit I think.. So i'm told...
I'm just looking for a kind honest person, with a damn good sense of humour, loves dogs and animals, and can cope with a comical but shy at times lass who is desperatly loking for work since leaving university... Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!!!



Age: 53 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 62 / bi

United Kingdom