

37 - Straight

New Jersey, United States

Dec 18, 2009 15:55

My name's Steve and I'm a 23 year old jersey kid. Typically your normal outcast for the majority of my life for living straight edge but it suits me. I'm into lots and lots of music, my guitar, my car, going to local shows, night time driving, sitting at a local coffee shop all night enjoying the live music and bla bla you should get the idea by now. What I'm gettin at is the path I've chosen has seemed to set me far apart from even close friends who choose to drink/abuse other s**t which consequently alienates me. I'm taking classes this semester at my county college to follow my goal of a computer science major being the dork that I am.
I have this thing about confrontations and violence in everyday life I avoid both of these things I tend to be the guy who's out to make people happy which obviously leads to me with the short end of the stick feeling used. Yeah, been there done that hilarious nice guys finish last I know but what happens when you truly are nice to that degree and couldn't do anything even if you wanted to? Story of my life. I'm really close with my little brother who's 14 so far I've been able to help him make the right decisions when it comes to peer pressure which I hope he continues.
I dunno if this is important but I am half portuguese and half brasilian - I speak some of it and understand more but f**k sesame street for making me lose the whole language at a young age.



Age: 33 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 23 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 35 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 25 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 22 / bi

New Jersey
United States


Age: 41 / straight

New Jersey
United States

Jersey Devil

Age: 26 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 26 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 28 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 30 / straight

New Jersey
United States


Age: 33 / straight

New Jersey
United States