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Jun 1, 2021 01:03
Why aren't you working as a model?
Seriously, you are very photogenic, you have the shape and you seem to have the charisma.
Jun 1, 2021 01:07
I think it’s something about how models aren’t usually 37 and size 14, and don’t use mobility aids. But yknow what? They SHOULD! Representation is important! Anyone who wants to hire me for modelling, hmu!
Jun 1, 2021 01:09
Wait, I’m also dyspraxic, that might also have something to do with it...
Mr Magpieeeee
Jun 1, 2021 17:40
Unfortunately there isn't a lot of understanding about dyspraxia in the wider world let alone in the workplace and I can vouch for that! You should look at the skull headed canes out there. I have one and it's awesome if a tad heavy lol
Jun 1, 2021 17:42
I don’t use a cane for my dyspraxia, it’s for leg injuries, so it does need to be generally weight-bearing. Swagger canes tend not to be, but tbh I’m getting to a point of recovery where I can use lightweight collapsible sticks like the pictured one so probably can look into some fun ones, not very heavy though as I have a lot of shoulder damage too 🤣
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Jun 2, 2021 18:45
I think you should start a blog and become an icon for people with "difficulties" - hell, I have difficulties but they mostly revolve around me putting my foot in it! You could be one of those influencer people.
And why are you being ageist and sizeist (I bet I did not spell them there words correctly lol!)? And add "usually-ist" to the list.
Claudia Schiffer 50; Naomi Campbell 51; etc.
And drop the "they should" - YOU SHOULD! Believe.
I can't find an emoticon for "platonic kiss" - so bugger it! * *
Jun 2, 2021 20:38
Not my isms but the industry's, which is my point! Since I conclude that those trends are stupid! However, it's up to whoever has the money, unfortunately! Schiffer and Campbell both started in their teens and established enough clout that they were able to sustain their careers past the scope of the average model, but find me the ones who started in their 40s as aspirational figures rather than 'representational'? It's a complicated dialogue. And doing the work myself for no money is a very altruistic thing to ask of me! Don't assume I don't put in the labour elsewhere!

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