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Welcome To Fōjimasutā
Jan 2, 2021 20:06
Frita is special to me because my sis held her for 5 months straight till I could afford a yellow switch lite. My other villagers are Sprinkle * she makes me fall asleep and is boring I can't wait for her to move out * Rex eh sort of boring plan to boot out as well * Keaton my mystery villager and is a big flirt LMAO plan to keep him for awhile * Rolf after using my 15 mystery tickets I finally got him and I love his ice blue paw pads * Rudy so cute * Beau what is so special about him? His Japanese snacks? Elmer always worried about his snacks * Megan is so cute this is the one that Tom Nook put in a house for sell part and I really do love Megan but she isn't a lifetime keeper however * got Chadder or Cheddar mouse whatever you want to call him not sure if I want to keep him or not or replace him with a campsite villager. Next comment is about what villagers I want etc and my plan etc for other campsite villagers etc
Welcome To Fōjimasutā
Jan 4, 2021 22:36
This portion contains more Animal Crossing if not you can read on to the third * and the third comment is about a relationship.

* This is my autobiography etc you will learn about me here * you can ask questions about my autobiography after done reading but I will not answer deep personal questions about my physical blog etc *

* If anyone wants to see my Animal Crossing wish list ask. For people that don't know but have the new game you can download this app not sure if it's official or fan made but you can create different kinds of wish list and share them. Also you can save what kind of fossils you've collected, bugs, fish, art and diving sea creature and many more cool features the app has and the app is free! Neat app my sis showed me. Anyways let's move on.

* Will never force someone to read this in one sitting this is something that if you've free time when you get off work or off days. You can take a week to read this. Or two weeks. I've just gotten blocked just for ASKING to read these. I never enforced anyone * I just asked a question and I got blocked like WTF? If you do read my blogs let me know what you think of my spiritual writing. Please don't comment about the grammar or spelling mistakes. I'm not asking of that. I'm talking about the over all vibe or what do you understand from the story.

* Save what you want on your tab of your phone or computer or laptop. I don't care.

Important if you care about spirituality in someone's love life or just why I believe in the spiritual plane as I do and more information will be had in the physical as both collide anyways

However this will give you more time to learn about me spiritually of what I stand for in general

Physical plane important

Added notes

* My sis doesn't want me posting photos of her face online, I respect my sister wishes and I will not do that, this isn't just for me this goes for our dad and other family members and even her own husband. This is why you will never see my sister and I selfies on IG. I also don't post selfies on IG anymore because guys can't say anything else besides hey pretty or hey gorgeous and so on. I had enough and deleted half of my photos on there as a revolt

* My sis is probably 150-160 pounds there is two genes one is the skinny lanky side of the gene I can't say what it is because of two family last name or different side of the family etc and the big butt and thick and curvy which my sis has and the spooky part about me is I look like my dad's dead mom. Also just to let people know I can't fit into a 000 or 00 or 0 jean or size 1 in skinny jeans juniors. I've to wear a size 3. In women skinny jeans I wear a size 2. I also can't fit into size XXS tops or XS tops way too tight my sis says I can fit in them and I told her no I don't like clothes that latch onto your body. Maybe that's Autism thing but I don't like ultra tight clothes on me. I wear a adult small in unis-e-x or men or women. In junior size Hot Topic I need a size medium their junior clothes are super small a small is like a XS and a XS is a XXS. In leggings or skinny joggers I need a small. Or if there is ultra high compressed active wear I need a size medium. So as you can see I'm not a stick or I'm nothing but bones to be honest it did take me till I was in my 26 or 27 to put on 92 pounds however I fluctuate between 92-95 and also for my height at 5' this isn't massively underweight for my height many websites say a 5 foot female should weigh 90-110 pounds. I used to be 82 pounds in my 20's. But I refused a high protein diet and shakes like my doctor requested. However I could eat about 5 plates at a buffet and not gain weight and now I can only eat only two buffet plates. However I've had many people at buffets tell me that when they started reaching near their thirties their metabolism changed because i had many people tell me you know I used to be like you. LMAO. There was something severely wrong with me back in my mid 20's.

* Right now I'm trying to apply for disability but I don't feel like making a wall of China text about recent updates about it but it is in progress I'm no longer waiting anymore. Also I don't feel like sharing legal matters with my son right now and if you want to know more about my mental health issues look at my main profile picture for more information and my contact information is there as well and message me there

You can read this one last this is basic trivia facts about me

* Free to talk about any video game. I only own one switch game because that's all I could afford after I bought my switch lite. I also like the same movies and nothing has changed. I also only get teas at Starbucks no longer paying $5.95 for a small frappe when I can get two for the price at that at Mckeydees. I love their dragon fruit tea yum!

* I rarely watch anime now but my favorite anime is Monster and ask what my other four are if you need a top four list. That will give us something to talk about.

* If you want to know what other things I like I can show you my Amazon wish list? This was created so I can confuse my sister on tons of things to pick for my Birthday or Christmas. Sense my dad is lazy and makes my sis and his other daughter pick out stuff for me as well for him and my son. There is tons of confusion. I also use this as a bookmark on things I want to buy for future things. All merch on IG was gifts from my sis and my dad and my son. Or used from my aunt's cleaning money. Only happened twice but I got blocked after my IG account was viewed? Like WTF? But I mean I've been blocked for many stupid things such as my profile being too long. Not this section but my profile that is up front. I got harassed and bullied for a long profile like okay? Like you're the one that is complaining and I never messaged you? I also got blocked for explain why I'm having a hard time with communication once I say I've Autism it's like a hell no reaction. BLOCK. I also don't understand why people block me because of my speech? But the most strangest block ever I ever gotten in my life from here was this person didn't like me using my Mii shark emojis which is a pre-installed stickers for iPhone and he goes I don't know why you're sending those and I don't like sharks. Then I go because I can do what I want? Then I send a Loki gif then I get BLOCKED. I also got blocked because in the past there was this one single person that goes I'm sorry I can't talk to single parents or be friends with them and I'm like excuse me? Also funny thing is nowhere was that stated in his profile. So I'll say this countless of times my block count is higher than my friend count and that's just the honest truth from the wolf mother so whatever.

I meditated on this and for some reason I feel like I should leave this as is?

Even though he was gone from here or yester-year I thought could the wolf grow fangs of darkness and the light? But even so he would remain the darkness that cloaked the midnight. But I even thought of yester-year I would if I could hold the knife up to you and combat you and call that love? But you see I always hold the knife to myself and I held the knife at myself but I really held the knife to the demon's beast mask. Because self liberation is the one of self goals just like the chessman you see. I wonder how many times I see myself on a throne with closed eyes dreaming of paradise and you mother. But the way I destroy myself and others is just like a pile underneath me. I'm self obsessed with myself and destroying myself. It's beautiful and I can't deny anything because I've yet to refuse self denial of one's existence but you see like the chessman says ''I can't lose I must empress the Queen even if she needs to be used'' because that is just reality dumping pawns right before the very feet of the King and perhaps the Queen steps on the pawns. But the rook you see the hidden archer but do I self target others that are close friends or a lover of mine? Or do I self target myself liberation? I can't help but to see the end without you. Toxic miasmatic love. The enthralling way of enchantment for me. Just like the spine of the bishop the most important one that should be kept true ''hidden on the bishop's blade'' because that blade is me and I hide myself with that blade. A damned snake he told me if I could hear one more thing in life is the eaten roots of the Yggdrasil Tree the screams and the roar of the serpentine. Because you see water is where I thrive where the raven drowns the feathers in a fragile state and all all I can think about is pulling out the rook in the drowned feather's of the magi's crest the ''raven'' the last of the falling eyes of the rain and the shore as the wolf jaws open and the half grown serpentine's tongue. As I hold the rook with my paws I stare at a gaze and hoping the mother snake will notice me. You see I don't care because all I want is a checkmate for myself but I understand in life I want to be drowned in you and consumed in alchemy. But you see it's just like a white hare anything can be stained ''black'' even if life isn't beautiful to me but you see what is beautiful to me is pawns just like small daggers always being held behind and twisted and holding the knife close to someone. I see myself as a unit as I always have. Self combating. That combat is destroying myself but you see mother what if I hit checkmate last? Then the bishop falls on the Yggdrasil Tree branch....fragile self and arms and spider like fingers the drowned raven looks at the Yggdrasil Tree. I'll turn you black just like my hue is black but perhaps.....checkmate isn't for certain....
Welcome To Fōjimasutā
Jan 4, 2021 22:44
* This is more hints and tips about what I look for in a relationship if my blog wasn't a good general idea etc.

I like being courted and unusual way. I'm sort of old fashioned. I would like someone that is into me into dating would give me a token that symbolize our relationship. I think this is very symbolic and traditional on how I like things just like burning and purifying the diseased people on a stake and offered in a demon wisp box. I like things like the olden wolf ways and how I was raised by Loki and Mother. I believe having a inexpensive item that shows what you think about your partner is very symbolic and your partner will always be with you.

I'm not looking for a full on 24/7 physical or s-e-x-u-a-l relationship. I don't date for fame or social status or how much income you make. Also I'm really shocked about women these days apparently from a few profile accounts I read height matters? Like why? As a female myself I can't understand that logic @ all.

* Pro tip I also don't understand this Onlyfan $hit either as a female. Like the first thing a female things about joining a social media or a dating platform. Oh $hit gotta post my OnlyFan account. Like ? I don't understand man I really don't. Also I will state this again even if we're dating I will not send you a n-u-d-e I stand by my modest attitude and appearance and my motherly wolf duties.

I'm not being s-exist either when I type this. I prefer the male to tell me that he wants to date me as I don't want to cross any emotional boundaries as I like to be respectful and just wait for the male to tell me his feelings. I know this might seem like a s-exist feminist to say but I just don't like bothering people or crossing boundaries so I'm not expecting you to understand.

* Pro tip after doing some searching I understand now why I do this and half the reason is because I got rejected many times or the person I confessed my feelings too said ''he found someone better than me'' so I kind of shunned myself from asking so you can say the reason above this text speech this is the other portion etc.

And I also like matching shampoo and conditioner and body wash and a hair brush because that makes you feel closer to your companion and I even got told I was weird for this....not often but a few times etc.

* Pro tip I will never ask someone to match my hair color because I dye my hair black and I know many men would say hell no if there hair is a gorgeous red shade or gingi shade or a lovely shade of brown etc.

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