
Loki's Stew PotPhoto AlbumsDazed and confused

I rarely post selfies so enjoy this because you might not see one once in a blue moon
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Loki's Stew Pot
Nov 3, 2020 07:32

Also can someone explain to me how someone blocks someone without talking to them? I don't understand that unless they're over your age or someone that seems very creep and not in a good way. For those that think I'm bat $hit crazy. Insane or any of the above have you ever bothered understanding what has happened in my life? What mental disorders I've. Is your answer no? That's what I thought. Poorly judged without me saying anything in defense. Also if you think I'm crazy how about you take a step back a understand how crazy someone in my family sounds saying that Satan created this virus. People are dying by the devil's touch. This is a new age for God to arrive. Now that's what you call bat $hit crazy and deranged. Even more so deranged someone in my family says there is a angel dancing on her street. I'm far from that insanity and I'm just someone with crippling mental disorders and poorly understood. I also don't judge anyone by religion. I live with judgmental Christians on my side except for one. Spirituality isn't Satanism it's a self belief in oneself to better themselves and their being their vessel. Learn the facts before calling someone insane when they're not. Also vegans and vegetarians are fine. I was raised in a very judgmental atmosphere which has opened me not to be. But for Loki's sake stop blocking me without even talking to me first like seriously you're the one that has problems.

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