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Oct 23, 2019 21:59
Hi "Sonjim"
I hope you are having a great day to-day. I hope you are okay, it seems like a real bad forfeit you had to endure. Please tell me that you survived this terrific ordeal, because as a fellow Welsh-man, I know the bad things that can arise from a game of "odds-on". I have a puppy named Miles, so-called after my friends favourite Scottish Badminton player. One day, my friend Barry once dared me to shave my canine companion with the odds of 10. I thought as the absolute legend that i am, i took on these odds and unfortunatly lost this bet with both of us guessing 6. Anyhow, Im now a depressed 21 year old with a dog that is shaved and unlovable, like myself. Hope you are doing well, and find the girl of your dreams xoxox.

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