
Helvete Inc.

"When describing S.T.R Helvete, the question isn't who", but what. I'm not a he or she, male or female or even human...I'm an it, and entity. I'm simply what I create". - S.T.R Helvete

S.T.R started in various extreme metal projects before becoming a notoriously controversial performer in queer nightlife. S.T.R founded Haus Ov Deathglam, an extreme performance art drag collective known for performances that push the boundaries of not just the audience's comfort levels but of their own as well. S.T.R took it's knack for creative anarchy into a new venture, Helvete Inc.

Helvete Inc., a one-man "industrial art" project, draws from the goth, metal, synthwave, punk, and industrial genres as well as horror movies and performance artists. S.T.R created an audio and visual platform in which to address the topic of mental illnesses. The main concept of Helvete Inc. is fleshing out the created world of Golgotha, a plane of existence known only to those with mental illness. Helvete Inc's music caught the attention of Manta Ray Records owner Mike Diamond and that partnership saw the release of the debut album 'Filth' in 2018. On the heels of Filth's success, S.T.R co-founded Deathglam Sindustry and created a record label under the Deathglam umbrella. Helvete Inc. released a sophomore effort "The Inevitability Of Nothing" under Deathglam Sindustry.



United States

Mar 16, 2020 03:59