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34 - Straight

Co. Down, United Kingdom

Aug 19, 2013 01:14

OK, this is going to be the easiest way for me to do this... I think. Found a lit of 100 questions about me on another site, so feel free to ask anything these don't answer.

1. Full Name: Aaron David Lewis Livingstone
2. Nicknames: AJ.
3. Birthday: 2nd May 1990
4. Place of Birth: Dundonald
5. Zodiac Sign: Taurus
6. Male or female: Male
7. School: None currently. Previously, Portora Royal.
8. Occupation: Actor/Writer/Producer/Musician
9. Residence: Just outside Belfast
10. MSN Screen Name: The Demon in the Black coat, God of all Evil. Let's put smiles on all their faces. (Wow that's old. Who uses MSN anymore?)
11. Light or Dark Skinned: Pale. Not as pale as I once was though.
12. Hair Length: Short
13. Eye colour: Blue
14. Weight: 9.6 Stone
15. Height: 6ft
16. Braces? Nah
17. Glasses? Meant to
18. Piercings: You must be joking
19. Tattoos: 5
20. Righty or Lefty: Righty

___Your 'Firsts'___

21. First best friend: Anya
22. First Award: Five a Side football (soccer) tournament in BB
23. First Sport You Joined: Football (that's Soccer to anyone who doesn't know)
24. First pet: Rabbit (2 actually)
25. First Real Vacation: France
26. First Concert: Deep Purple
27. First Love: Lisa

___ Favourites___

28. Movie: Black Swan
29. TV programme: Supernatural
30. Colour: Black, Red, Yellow
31. Rapper: Eminem
32. Singer: Ian Gillan
33. Band: DEEP PURPLE!!!
34. Song: Deep Purple - Knocking at your Back Door
35. Friends: Kerrie, Caroline, Keith, Jake, Cameron, Kyle
36. Sweets: Galaxy Chocolate
37. Sport to Play: American Football, MMA or Rugby
38. Restaurant: Chiquito
39. Favourite brand: FCUK
40. Store: Fresh Garbage
41. School Subject: Was always Acting, Musical Theatre, Maths or Science
42. Animal: Snake
43. Book: Anything by Darren Shan or The "His Dark Materials" trilogy. Or the Furnace saga
44. Magazine: Classic Rock
45. Shoes: My Boots


46. Feeling: Talkative.
47. Single or Taken? Single
48. Have a crush: Nah, not really.
49. Eating: No. Wish I was...
50. Drinking: No
51. Typing: No, I am doing this quiz by power of thought
52. Online? No, I am actually writting this on a peice of paper and its being transported through the air to the computer through the science of Magic!!! It hit a fly on the way. Look-->*
53. Listening To: . TV in the background
54. Thinking about: The lack of talkative people on this tonight.
55. Wanting To: Chat to people.
56. Watching: The computer screen, funny enough
57. Wearing: Black Jeans, Green Avengers T-Shirt

___Your Future___

58. Want Kids? Yes
59. Want to be married? Yes
60. Careers in Mind: Actor. Musician.
61. Where do you want to live: California, Germany, Here
62. Car: If I become famous, Aston Martin. Dream Car is a Ford Mustang, 1969 convertible in black with a blood red interior... ah, to dream

__Which is Better With The Opposite s*x___

63. Hair colour: Doesn't matter
64. Hair length: Doesn't matter.
65. Eye colour: Green/Blue
66. Measurements: Under 5ft6 is all I care about and not too big
67. Cute or s*xy: Both
68. Lips or Eyes: Eyes first, but I still like kissable lips
69. Hugs or Kisses: Kisses. Love cuddles though.
70. Short or Tall: Short
71. Easygoing or serious: Easygoing
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous, but Romantic at times
73. Fatty or Skinny: Skinny. Not too much though.
74. Sensitive or Loud: Both, it can be fun sometimes
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
76. Sweet or Caring: Both
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: Trouble Maker (more exciting)

___Have you ever______

78. Kissed a Stranger: Yup
79. Had Alcohol: Yup
80. Smoked: Yup
81. Ran Away From Home: Yup
82. Broken a bone: No
83. Got an X-ray: Yes
84. Been with someone: Yeah
85. Broken Someones Heart: Unfortunatly
86. Hurt anyone badly: Very
87. Cried When Someone Died: Yes
88. Cried At School: No

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: Not in the way you'd think...
90. Miracles: Yes
91. Love At First sight: Oh God yes.
92. Ghosts: 50/50
93. Aliens: Yeah. There's no way that in the infinite expanse of the universe that we're the only life.
94. Soul Mates: Yes
95. Heaven: Partially.
96. Hell: As above
97. Angels: In some form.
98. Kissing on The First Date: Have done
99. Horoscopes: Meh, sometimes

___Answer Truthfully___

100. Is There Someone You Want but can't have? Not really. No.



Age: 33 / straight

Co. Down
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Co. Down
United Kingdom