

30 - Bi

Cleveland, United Kingdom

Jun 20, 2014 13:52

Hi, my name is Richard and I thought I'd try this site out. I like meeting new people, trying new things and having fun. I don't like night clubs but love to just have fun with the people I know.
I'm not much of a talker most the time until i get familiar with someone; some people say it's cute but i don't know. I pride myself in my honesty but sometimes i might twist things about myself if I'm uncomfortable like being bi because I'm not out but i don't go too far. I like my cuddles I'm a very cuddly person. Kisses come later I like animals and especially dogs. I suppose any other furry thing I'm allergic to like cats or guinea pigs. I also have hayfever but both have almost been miraculously cured.
I'm not shy all the time it just depends who I'm with or on my mood. I'm looking for fun people I can call friends or have a little fun with. I'm really interested in crossdressing and submissive. I would like to be someones little lover one day and find the person I can trust to do as they please. I can get sexually excited easily so watch out hehe. I need to break my shell because I think I act more masculin than I feel if that makes sense so I'm too reserved I need to get out and be myself and I'd love someone to be by my side with that and i will love them in return. I'm not sure which gender I like most but I think tyrannies etc are so hot and boys make me feel comfortable, especially if they're into hugs. As for the girls, I like them but there aren't really any that would like to hug me as much as I hug them haha. Btw,I don't think in my pants if thats how It seems so far. I'm genuine and open to views and beliefs-I aren't judgmental. Also, I'm not sure about my wardrobe but I guess It's ok but open to peoples opinions-I wear band shirts and i love my cookie monster shirt, mainly black clothes 'cuz no joke I think it looks cool and it suits me. so I guess I aren't an emo but they're so hot-skater style too. oh and I'm also into outdoor sports but I got scared of speed with past accidents but I'm always pushing my limits with rock climbing and bungee jumping and boarding and biking etc.
I also go to church; It's more of a social church but praising "Jesus" for everything. Personally I'm not sure about the trinity and though I was brought up in a traditional church I have my own opinions on the religion. I go for the people and to volunteer setting the place from 8.00-14.00...I like volunteering and doing things for the community to help people. I don't often have a break to myself which is how I like it.
My photos are actually old because now I have long hair lower than my shoulders. wavy, almost curly, dark brown, I normally wear hats-I don't know why, I suppose It's just how I'm comfortable. I'm told I have "piano fingers" because theyre long and thin. (they served me well when i did my model building), also, I'm told my eyes change colour with my mood. I've never seen it happen though haha .
Omm I think that's me
Please message me and have a chat and I can send more photos if asked ^^



Age: 40 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 26 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 26 / straight

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Age: 31 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 29 / straight

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Age: 25 / gay

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Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 47 / straight

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Age: 32 / bi

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Age: 38 / straight

United Kingdom