

42 - Bi

Dundee, United Kingdom

Jul 20, 2013 23:05

Hey, Yo

Given up hope filing in this whole about me thing as I come and go a lot on this site.

I am friendly enough and usually reply to most messages unless it's the "Hey, beautiful or how are you?" It gets boring after a while and really grinds my gears... sorry I won't skype, I'm not a s**t so don't even ask.

I'm not really looking for anything but friends but if anything else happens, then cool
I am massive LOTR fan. Lovin' the Bat man and anything Burton or vampire so if you are down with any of these then feel free to give me a shout.

Music wise, I can listen to anything across the whole metal genre so I can't really pin point anything specific that would be my favourite band.

Film wise it's LOTR, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, A Clock Work Orange, Lost Boys and various others...(Not much of a chick flick kinda gal..)

TV, it's geeky stuff for me, like How things are made, American Chopper, Salvage Hunters, Top Gear or anything mildly blokey... I also like to read a lot and I have a massive passion for art... Just a shame I can't draw worth a s**t

Xbox is another sneaky little love of mine. Assasins Creed and Dead Island keep me sane

I tend to see myself as my own person and not worry too much about trying to fit in... f**k ELITESTS and FOLLOWERS. If I like something, then I'll listen to it or wear it. I don't label myself as anything but myself. I have been a vegetarian for the past 22 yrs- It's a personal choice so don't worry about being judged.

So if that hasn't bored you shoot me a message..


Twinkle & Gloom

Age: 21 / bi

United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

United Kingdom