

53 - Straight

Gwent, United Kingdom

Jun 20, 2019 07:27

I'm a bit unconventional & quirky...a bit different from the norm, but i won't change..."I am, I'm me"

I'm a very down to earth person, genuine, laid-back, trustworthy, funny, well mannered, caring, non-materialistic, loyal and most importantly (I think) honest...I'm also a bit of a rebel (in a good way of course!) but that comes with being a rock star I guess...

Music is a BIG love of mine - I will listen to anything but mostly rock/metal (and I know that this will put off 99% of you, but it's what I like!!!) - favourite bands being AC/DC, Megadeth, Manowar...the list is endless...70's rock/80's metal...

Don't go clubbing, I'd rather watch a live band or sit in a nice beer garden (summer months only for the beer garden!!!)...I like herbal tea, I don't go to the gym - I don't need to, I'm not fat...although I do like a bit of mountain biking...

I'm a great lover of comedy too - big likes are Bill Bailey, Jo Brand etc...but a big (HUGE) hate is Jimmy Carr - he just has a face you would want to slap, and he ain't funny either!!!...also some adult cartoon such as Family Guy...

I don't think age is relevant, if you meet someone and you click, then you click - age doesn't come into the equation.

Most things...
Going out, staying in
Cooking - I LOVE to cook
Live bands and stuff like that

Broad beans (yuk!)
Rude/stupid/shallow-minded people
Jealousy (a BAD thing!)
Scissors (I really don't like scissors, as you can probably tell!!!)
Paranoid control-freaks
Spiders (I'm not a fan of spiders, sorry!!!)
Bad spellers - c'mon, you SHOULD know the difference between to, too & two...or their & there etc...mmmmm)...ha, I will go and check all my spelling now I've put this on here!!!

I don't think you can get a feel of how someone is just from this site (ie a pic or two and a few paragraphs) have to meet in person to discover how someone really is...(let's be fair, anyone can write anything really and lie through their teeth)...

Extra-large gold star if you know where my tag-line comes from (always relevant, but keeps changing)...I like to keep you on your toes, so my tag-line changes accordingly...

All my teeth are intact, and I'm not bald and don't wear a wig (as you can probably tell!!!)...I have my own house, car etc...self-sufficient...

A few colloquial metaphors that I believe in:
Never judge a book by it's cover, it's what's inside that counts
What goes around comes around (this is SO true)
When every hour seems like a day, and nothing seems to go your way, don't let those **stards drag you down

To sum myself up, mmm tricky...probably a cross between Bill Bailey, Robert Plant and Dave Mustaine...whether that's a good thing or not, that's who I am...

OK that's about it (although I've bound to have missed something)...anything else you'd like to know then just ask...all pics are fairly recent, within the last year or so (I don't tend to change that much)...




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Age: 24 / straight

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Sky 🌌

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Age: 31 / straight

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Age: 39 / straight

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Nightmares ascencion

Age: 35 / straight

United Kingdom