

36 - Straight

Ontario, United States

May 7, 2009 21:56

I'm 5'7", 21 years old, skinny, blonde & black short hair & blue eyes - also tanned. I classify myself as a rocker chick and loooove rock and roll, oldies & new age punk & rock. Only rap I listen to is Eminem. I love to draw, search the web, shop, watch movies, spend time with my 2 year old son Alixander, play video games, tan, drink socially & have fun. I am a down-to-earth, fun, honest, loyal, trust-worthy, funny, witty, confident, respectful one-of-a-kind girl with strong morals & ethics. I can be however impatient, stubborn, spoiled, negative & quite obsessive compulsive when it comes to certain things like cleaning - but really I'm a cool girl who wants to find Mr. Right. I currently drive a 2005 orange ford Focus but in April am buying a new car that will either be a Camaro or Firebird from the 1970's - 1980's. I currently live in a basement apartment of a house with my son but am moving back home. In the near future, I plan to become a tattoo artist and pursue my dream in the arts. Bartending is also a fancy of mine.