

32 - Straight

Hampshire, United Kingdom

Jan 17, 2015 01:25

* Clears throat*

Okay, damn, now I'm all self aware and s**t. So I better get this profile written and start explaining myself, because actually I do have quite a lot of knowledge...Come to think of it, I'm boiling over with knowledge. Chock-full of liquid knowledge heated to the point where it gets all bubbly and steamy. Like having a shower, but with smarts. And soap too. Soapy bubbles of knowledge. Did you shower this morning? You smell like dandruff shampoo. You should sort that out, it's s*xy. Anyway, this could take a long time, so you know if you want to click off and go view something else, go do so now...otherwise, you cannot hold me responsible for loss of sanity because seriously, you don't want to take me and my team of monkeys on for lawyers. You'll lose, just saying.


So why have I come here to AltScene? Well if I'm totally honest, I wanted to reach out and grab some eyeball time with you, because I like to have my eyeballs on you, and I like to think your watching me, maybe from your room, maybe you have a canopy bed. Haha, so you're all like "OH MY GOD, HE'S INSANE" Yup, completely out of it, but look take a deep breath. Take another. No, wait. Let the first breath out before you take the second, now you're all stretched out doesn't that feel good? Isn't insanity hot? No? It's kind of hot, actually. You single?. Ahem....

I'm Gumball, I'm 22, I have black hair, I am five foot eight and British and strangely intelligent, I know right? You're wondering how I can make such a brash statement after being so weird, well let me point something out to you. What's the point of being grown up if you cannot see through the eyes of a child and see everything for it's funny side now and again? It would make life rather boring wouldn't it, being all serious and s**t. Not to mention I ate a not-inconsiderable quantity of paint chips as a child. Just to be clear, the chips weren't in the form of a child. Semantics and all...


So I suppose you want to talk to me, otherwise well done for wasting your time. So I guess It may help if you take off your glasses...nibble on one of the earpieces. Now tell me what you had for breakfast...No! Use a husky voice. Here you go.

BBM: 21B46696. You may talk to me on there, I'm always there.
Skype: IssuesResolved.
Facebook: Nope, not giving that out just yet. Ask.
IM's: Duh, there's a message button, use it.

Anyway, if you're interested, hit me up. If not, go back to sleep. I'm off to play cricket with the over 60's.They don't much like me there. I don't know why but they are always leery of a guy in a trench coat and black socks. Don’t know why. You'd think the sombrero would help...

I have kind of reached the end of my story here. Meh, screw it, I'm not really bound to a narrative format, I'll open the floor to questions, you there, the one getting a........ never mind. What's your question. Message me. Ciao.



Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 43 / straight

United Kingdom