

35 - Straight

Nebraska, United States

Nov 27, 2015 14:14

*My name is Adam C. Morrissette

*My quote of the moment "In this monochromatic world, I will search the deep earth and the boundless skies until i find you, and bring color back to my heart..." Quoted by Devearyk Disaster A.k.a. "Me"

*There are a lot of people who don't like me simply because the fact that I am honest, confident, sometimes c**ky, blunt, and real. I am who I am, And a lot of people would kill to even hope to fill my shadow.

*I am a confident, and active guy, I have been called a complicated guy, but that's because life is complicated, nothing is ever simple. And I embrace that fact.

*I am very open minded, liberal, and blunt. I have a "tell it like it is" approach to life, which gets me in trouble... A lot. But it's how I am, and a lot of people don't like it, That's because they can't handle my blunt honesty.

*I will tell just about anything about myself, If someone asks. I am an open book, itching to be read.

*I find myself having to help my friends out of trouble, or being there for them when they need someone to listen to or a shoulder to cry on, And despite what many people say about me, I DO NOT tell other people's secrets, What people confide in me is up to them, but they have my word I will not tell anyone, no matter what happens between us, secrets go with me to the grave.

I also find myself having to "dumb" things down for most people due to either my crazy vocabulary or their innate lack of the ability to read a dictionary. Again I say, "not my problem"

*I'm articulate, determined, bull headed, and sometimes a bit pushy. I have been looking for that special someone for over ten years. I do believe I have found her, One can only hope.

*I love to sing, and write. I value my body and what it can do, that is why I will never do drugs.

*Want to know more, message me, its not that hard. Don't like me? Tough luck, you can kiss my ass, cause that's your problem not mine.

*Also, there are A lot of people going around town spreading rumors about me, I have one thing to say to them..."If you don't like me, tough, that doesn't mean you have to go saying s**t about me, s**t that isn't true. I know your jealous because I am all that you want to be. That's not my problem so grow the f**k up and shut the f**k up. Tread carefully, 'cause "when" not if, but When i find out who you are, You will get knocked the f**k out."



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𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓴 𖤐𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮🍷

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