

31 - Bi

Washington D.C, United States

Sep 1, 2012 20:21

→ I am the influence. I'm a real boy paha jk. I have very strong opinions. I'm a very blunt and picky person. I'm a d**k. I am the biggest asshole. I am a pervert at times. I'm not a f**king emo, so c**ts open your eyes and realize what your f**king looking at. I am single, I have a f**king horrible mouth. I care, but i don't show it. I'm a multitasker, so if i don't respond quickly to your message thats why, so don't bother or spam the living s**t out of me.I'm a HUGE flirt, yes I admit I flirt alot, but doesn't mean I like you. So don't get pissed at me when you find that out the hard way. And if you dont like it...and you decide to send me some of your feelings, Im gonna send you some of mine back because its your fault for not reading this. If i see a pretty face, I like lettin them no i think so. It's just me. I hate the bulls**t. Will i be your friend? It all f**king depends. If i don't like you i will f**king tell you. Do not tell me your life story i don't wanna f**king hear it. I don't really care much for peoples feelings, unless they mean something to me. Don't tell me you like/love when we just met cause its not going to happen. I'm sick of people thinking that they know me. I don't care if you hate or dislike me seriously I don't give 3 f**ks. I'm not here to please anyone of you little f**kers, whether you like me or not that's your problem. I have serious trust issues, i've been f**ked over to many times. I am not your f**king door mat. I have a lip piercing, expect more. Don't ask me if they f**king hurt, its common sense think about it. Do not ask me questions about my profile, or how i do this or that, i'll tell you to f**king google it. Yes i know reading this makes me sound like a complete f**king d**k, but I'm naturally a person. So grab my attention. Music: Looks here faggots hardcore music is not "screamo." Screamo in general isn't even a genre its a gay ass f**king term a bunch of little scene/emo kids made up. So if your one of those people who say "screamo" you really don't know how stupid that makes you look, so quit saying it. At least around me. :3 Fakes: Now i don't really have a problem with fakes, execept for sometimes they can be verrryy annoying, but seriously some people just don't f**king think when they decide to go to photobucket or where ever the f**k they get there pictures from and claim that its them when we know for damn sure that its fake. I mean if your gonna steal someones pictures (which you f**king shouldn't) don't make it f**king obvious like Alex Evans, or some other douche, ok people? k. Looks: It gets really annoying when people are always complaining about how they look when really they have nothing to f**king complain about. Its like you look in the mirror every ten seconds and say "Oh i'm so ugly, i'm so fat uhhh." Because in the end if you can't love yourself, how the hell are you supposed to love someone else. So please quit bitching......


Doll Baby

Age: 20 / bi

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 24 / straight

Washington D.C
United States

Lt Ripley

Age: 48 / gay

Washington D.C
United States


Age: 18 / straight

Washington D.C
United States