

33 - Straight

Western Cape, South Africa

Nov 2, 2013 16:32

I'm abit of a oddball,according to my friends i'm a loving adventure seeking crazy funny out of the box kind of chick but i disagree because i see myself as a sarcastic grump with it's either black or white never grey type of air...i like horror,comedy n teen movies,reading paranormal novels,designing clothing,scaring my niece (she has a high pitched scream),playing with my maltese poodle puppy casper and whatever else that pops into my brain at the time. I don't like judgemental,selfish,self obsorbed people,hairy worms,being alone in the dark at home while a thunderstorm is brewing (my mind tends to think of serial killer movies with me playing the victim at times like that) is my escape from this psychotic world..i don't have any tattoos yet,but plan on getting atleast two..only have normal ear piercings,but a tongue ring might be in future plans..i only smoke cigs,and drink occasionally..i like black,purple and red..yip well i can't think of anything else to tell you,so ask me if you want to know more..peace&love.



Age: 52 / straight

Western Cape
South Africa


Age: 28 / straight

Western Cape
South Africa