

43 - Straight

Bristol, United Kingdom

Aug 6, 2012 02:47


I'm Shanon, a 31 year old marine biologist but stuck as a science technician (groan) working at Bath uni.....

Boring bit over (yes!).

I'm also a musician (I play guitar, drums, bass, and sing) and song writer - have been in a million rock/indie/metal/alternative bands over the years but am fairly new to the area so just doing acoustic singersongwriter stuff at the moment. music is kinda my life. LOVE my metal/rock music but can also really appreciate the likes of the beach boys. Desperate to go to some festivals this year so also shout me if you're off to any!!

I love piercings, am finally starting my tattoo collection, dyeing (sp?) my hair silly colours..... also love to surf/kayak or anything to do with the beach/sea. i guess an awesome day for me would start with a surf and breakfast/bbq on the beach, with a big bonfire and fireside singalong with everyone i know, followed by pizza/sushi/curry/icecream!, and finally watching or playing a gig in the evening and rocking out with a few jagers, and crazy dancing til the sun comes out. a breakfast pannini and coffee at costa would sort the rest out

Also love to travel and would love to road-trip America/Canada/Australia/Japan/Hawaii in a camper van with guitar and surf board in tow.

Love world cinema, especially Asian movies. Am also a fan of horros - love vampires (i'm usually some way through the buffy boxsets) and i think, if i'm honest, i'm a little obsessed with the idea of a zombie apocalypse happening in our times....hmmm!

Sick of meeting people that want me to tone myself down. It's just not me. I'm bubbly, occasionally silly, but also intelligent and dark. I love being with my friends and would do anything for anyone. I love to drink but also have a serene side: I love buddhist meditation for example and am very spiritual/philosophical, but NOT even slightly religious.

I have HUGE respect for other people and just wish we could all get along. perfect world huh....?!

if i had to pick someone i was most like.....i guess cross abby from ncis with buffy and ally mcbeal.

i've moved around possibly a little too much over the last 10 years and, currently stuck in the middle of nowhere, i'll admit i'm a little disconnected - i miss people in my life! so give me a shout - i'm always looking for new adventures, places to go, people to have a coffee or a chat with, people to play music with (would love an all girl rock band, but will play with anyone), festival buddies.... and yep, i'm single too (grrr)


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