

24 - Straight

Tennessee, United States

Sep 23, 2023 15:48

First and foremost, I am a Christian. That means I believe in the existence of Jesus Christ and accept Him as the lord and savior of my life. For those who don't know who Jesus is, He is the second head of The Trinitarian God of this universe. The Trinitarian God is The God who created all existence and, as the name implies, comes in three main forms: God the Father, also known as Yahweh, who exists outside of time and space as He is responsible for creating all of existence, Jesus Christ who came in the form of a man during the Roman occupation of Judea and was crucified by the Romans after the Jewish religious leaders of the time put Him on a completely unjust trial because He was perceived as a threat to their power, and after His crucifixion was laid in a borrowed tomb for three days after which He was resurrected from the dead, proceeding to show Himself to multitudes of people before ascending to God the Father, which is where He is now until He returns to Earth once again, and finally, The Holy Spirit who is a form of God that exists within existence, but is not confined to one physical form as Jesus was as He is the one that lives within each Christian to influence them to further the Kingdom of God hence why true Christians cannot be demonically possessed. For more information, refer to The Bible.

Secondly, I am a fulfillment specialist for Colonel Littleton, a company that largely sells high-quality leather goods, however, my duties mainly mimic that of a leather smith. For example, I mainly click out Moonpie coasters, small drink coasters that are made from scrap leather that is usually included free with every product purchased. I also click out leather Christmas ornaments when it gets close to Christmas time. However, unlike a leather smith, I am not held to the same productive standard simply because on top of producing products and parts for products, I am in charge of doing other tasks as well such as taking out the trash for the main leather clickers, moving and rearranging furniture for the downtown sales team, and unloading and organizing leather hides that are shipped into the company outpost.

Thirdly, I am a H.E.M.A practitioner. H.E.M.A. stands for Historical European Martial Arts. I primarily study the discipline of the one-handed arming sword and buckler or what practitioners call "I33", but I'm also working on an experimental discipline involving Viking swords and round shields. I am also trained in longsword, dagger, and dussack, however, I am a bit rusty in my dussack skills.

Fourthly, I'm a farm boy. I raise chickens and goats, and I grow potatoes. I'm fairly new to the farming lifestyle as I only started shortly after I had bought my property in rural Tennessee. That was back in November of 2022.

Fifthly, I am a gamer. I usually play on my PC, but I do play on my Switch from time to time. I'm usually playing Hunt Showdown, Warband, or Skyrim.



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