

36 - Straight

North Dakota, United States

Aug 17, 2021 00:16

I am a cheerful, communicative, and life-loving person. I try to see everything only in a positive way. I am active and spontaneous. I am a motivated person. When I have a goal, I always reach it. I like extreme in a good sense of this word: extreme happiness, extreme good mood etc. I like shopping and buying presents. It makes me happy when I see a smile of my friend, when he likes my present. I am looking for a romance, which will develop to a serious relation. I have intention to marry and have a good family. These goals are of the most importance in my life. To be happy, a person needs to be in love. In love with work, family and partner. I love my job and my family. In fact my job is my passion. Being a travel agent is something I really enjoy, and I get a lot of satisfaction when I see what I am doing. I am happy, but I want to share this happiness with my future partner.



Age: 23 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 27 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 26 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 23 / bi

North Dakota
United States


Age: 40 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 24 / straight

North Dakota
United States


Age: 25 / straight

North Dakota
United States