

31 - Straight

Maine, United States

Jan 27, 2021 20:09

Finally breaking free of the chains of society I got rid of social media Now I only have two but you really can't count  oole hangouts? That's more of a messenger than anything. Before you begin on my profile understand a few things. Do you plan to talk to me everyday? If the answer is no  then that should be your que to exit out of my profile. I must have three or four hours of texting a day from someone. I don't know how anyone can just function and grow emotionally by text just one hour a day? Busy lifestyles don't work for me ⚠️ another thing is failure of reading my profile. I'm in awe and shock. People refuse to read my profile and they expect me to retype everything out on the social media that we are talking to. Are you crazy? Get out of here ⚠️. I've never asked an enforcement of reading my profile in one day  📚 do you think I made this for your entertainment? Your enjoyment? For grins and giggles because I was bored? No. Because I cared for YOU to understand me but I see nobody understands that at all nobody 📚 the lack of intelligence humans possess is amazing. Secondary reasons if you're not comfortable talking on social media or on some kind of platform in a few minutes that also will not work if this place could let us download an app I would've no problem but that will never happen! Third reason why you would leave. Do you really think I'm going to take a selfie everyday for your enjoyment? No thanks and if you find that rude I don't care and the sad and inhumane thing in life you can't have everything and life and life is unfair and life will also take from you that's just part of life. What would make you think I'm real? Standing in a grocery store? I don't even know anymore. Nah if someone will catch me taking a selfie at a store for your enjoyment I will stop and not do that sadly your order will have to wait till Friday. Fourth reason is if you don't want to learn about me do you guys understand how to read a text? like click on more albums? No? Seriously people click on the main image! I mean I don't even have to use my brain for that! Also a photo is a photo of many people with many faces or perhaps a twin face, half personalities of different entities. Some are being withheld by a demon oath. A picture will never picture the soul unless one has the eyes.

Favorite brand of candy: Sweet Smiles and Coastal Bay: Favorite chocolate is Russell Stovers but pecan and marshmallow crunch if that's what that's called and anything caramel I don't like flavored truffles and just get that nasty stuff out of my sight: Favorite cake and cheesecake: Tuxedo



Age: 28 / bi

United States


Age: 18 / bi

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Age: 35 / straight

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Age: 26 / straight

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Age: 55 / straight

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Age: 23 / bi

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Age: 24 / bi

United States

Moon 🌙

Age: 24 / bi

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Age: 40 / bi

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Age: 24 / straight

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Age: 22 / bi

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Age: 23 / bi

United States