

30 - Straight

Maryland, United States

Jan 22, 2021 06:00

✨ I might be away from the ⌨️ but I do have contacts if you're interested which I don't think nobody will 📝 my profile is a long rant for starters but due to constant harassment and bullying about my appearance and my beliefs that are listed elsewhere on my profile I've to ''express'' myself and feel validated 📝 I probably be logged into The World or I wish I could named my ACNH town Sukairofuto for Skyloft and have lots of Eagles like Loftwings but nope one letter to short 🦅 so I named my town after Castlevania a quite shame devil or demon forge master was still too long so I had to stick to the basic 🌙 so enjoy my rant and banter on my profile but remember YOU people are the one that caused this drama and not me. Yes I made the choice to vocalize about such but I'm not gonna let myself be silenced and not let people know why I did take the Data Sever elsewhere ✨

:Lol....this website is funny....someone called me I'm the most ugliest girl on here and I forgot to add he also said I was the most ugliest girl he ever saw on here and I've no personality LMAO. Looks like we got high school people on here having too harass and bully people because they;re bored by the way take a self reflection on yourself and know people like you is why I never finish high school and I never plan to go back for the very same reason and try to insult me better I've been called rooster or a bird feet because I'm born with the deformation called pigeon toed and I was born with these bone deformities and also yes my arms and fingers have always been that spider like sense I've been alive in this vessel and same with my arm and this could be another defect I don't know about: However before you insult my mother that's in a grave now she was healthy with me she doesn't smoke or drink: Also fun fact there is no correction for this unless you want to wear braces or do a surgery that will 50 percent work and I'm not going to I was born this way and I will accept how I was born and I also get called horse because I'm bow legged and I got called beaver as well. Try to insult me better remember you can't help you were born the way you're. You've to love and accept your flaws and how you look if you really have to step on someone for something they can't help themselves with or never asked or had no say to be born that way you're probably just someone in a basement with the lowest self esteem if you've to make fun of someone with physical flaws they can't help. People always told me I should always have stood up to the bullies in high school but I couldn't. I really wish people would just understand me. But I don't think will never happen. People want to better me but it's always for their own good and what they want to see out of me. Yeah some low life trying to get on disability and a low income apartment and try to work on a part online job because with all the mental disorders I've and how I shut down from harassment and bulling and being called names I just walk away and curl up and shut down. Yeah I can't work in public like that. But nobody understands. Nobody. People that I know that are around me which I can't cut out of my life as they're family members except my sister everyone is in disapproval of what I want to do because they don't get it. They always say yeah yeah yeah yeah you can work at a grocery store and sack you will be fine. Just buzz the frick of already! No I wont! Most of my personal negative emotion comes from how I was treated and how I was raised. Still till this day and having gone to therapy before my insurance ran out I was mild relieved. Spirituality and meditation helps me find the balance I need so I won't go mad. I don't make fun of people because of a physical flaw whenever a rare chance happens and a person in a wheelchair can't reach something and I see them struggling and I go over to help them they're damn surprised. Now that's just sad. Be kind to people. There is no need for bullying and harassment. Remember this harassment can cause someone their own life or personal trauma. Remember your actions shouldn't be for your own personal gain because you feel so low on yourself that you've to step upon others:

Fun fact: I don't like to be friend zone and if I pour my heart out and my feelings too you and you just want me as friends only and not work with me that just means in reality you never liked me and you only cared about yourself and only saw yourself in the picture: I'm also self aware you probably found someone better just you can't be a grown man and tell me so: Sense people are constantly hounding me on my photos for more photos what you see in my photo albums is what you get: Also my hair is naturally that thin I don't think that's normal anyways for a almost 28 year old to start to hair thin and I know I'm defiantly not balding: I've always had very paper fine hair: If that ever happens I'm just collagen that stuff: I plan to make a medieval animal crossing town but I don't know how that is possible: Please keep in mind that I've Autism: PTSD: Chronic Depression: Mild Adaptive Behavior disorder: I don't understand what this means: Also in the special needs group or instead of mental retardation doctors are classifying that as intellectual disability disorder the doctors says I'm mild also the doctors don't understand how can I've this many mental disorders when none of my family doesn't suffer from mental disorders they're mind boggled also while my mom was alive they didn't want to have another kid because of me they told me that and that's why they never want to try for a third time to have a boy: Also for a interesting fact my sister was born normal except she has M.S. + she weighs 50 or 60 pounds over me: I've also been abused before in many forms even mentally tortured: Don't tell someone to get over something and wave a wand and go poof: No no matter what you do therapy or meditation or practice Bushido you still will have some lingering effect: Please get realistic people: Sense I was raised almost self defensive and always had to defend myself all my life because everything was crowned ''all my fault'' I naturally and snappy: hot headed: Rude: Strong ego: Stubborn as a ox even know that's neither my star or Chinese sign: Quick to lash at someone: I'm quite gentle and my shell is quite fragile and I really can't handle the backfire to much: 

I also like Starbucks here and there: The peach green tea is amazing: I only get Caramel Frappes from Mckydees the ghetto rat way to spell that: Also am a Fujoshi or a rotten girl: If your profile picture doesn't exist I won't reply: I don't have 👻 sorry peeps but I've 📸 NeoSuitBahamut with all the letters and K🔮k CandleOLoki089155432 and 📧 snakesayswilde for G 📧 Prefer a non smoker or someone that is in the process of quitting: I only socially drink: Drugs is a instant block: Again good luck out there: Oh I also like seafood: As of January 21st: I might go get me some shrimp or have me something chicken and rice and a blue raspberry margarita for only $5 which I don't know how Apple Bee of the Bees sweet drinks are so nasty? Worse thing is I only like 4-5 items by that place their food is just ugh but their 🧅 are the bomb amazing which is why I go there more than ever now when I can and a waitress really likes to see me there: I can eat a whole plate of the those with one whisky and coke : If you want to contact me click on my albums and look for my profile picture: I will not tolerate this harassment and bullying any longer: Don't ask me can I see you: I'm not fake if you think so I can take a video clip of me holding something: I don't speak because I don't live by myself: More info can be found by the same photograph on my profile: Take care:



Age: 26 / straight

United States


Age: 28 / bi

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Age: 33 / bi

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Age: 45 / straight

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Age: 27 / straight

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Age: 33 / straight

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Age: 40 / straight

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Age: 19 / bi

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Age: 34 / straight

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Age: 19 / bi

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Age: 36 / straight

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Age: 20 / bi

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