

40 - Straight

Herefordshire, United Kingdom

Dec 23, 2023 01:06

Looking for the Fred to my Rosie, the Ian to my Myra, the half eaten head in the fridge to my Jeffrey Dahmer.
No weirdos

I'm pretty tall (5'9), not very skinny (size 16) and I'll say anything if there is a slim chance it might be funny (sometimes it isn't). So you know... I don't know. I guess that's my disclaimer.


I'm flaky when it comes to replying. I don't mean to be rude, I'm just either busy or tired much of the time. Truth be told, I'm usually quite happy being single, but I have short periods of deep existential loneliness which drive me to look for a partner. I find I'm quickly reminded why I'm happy being single 😄 Please don't take it personally. It really is me, not you 😋

I like the forums here, you should check them out 😊