

31 - Bi

Missouri, United States

Oct 25, 2020 19:27

I'm a goth metalhead that's very into punk rock and heavily influenced by the Visual Kei scene, how I dress depends on my mood. My overall personality is pretty chill and I'm always looking to expand my social circle, discover new music and things that I can spend my time doing. My attitude really depends on the people I'm hanging out with, but for the most part I just do the things I want and don't bother giving validation to people who don't accept me the way I am. I've recently been told that my confidence is narcissistic and that my sarcasm is sometimes a little more on the harsh side, and I'm fine with that. I'm not someone who aims to please other people and I'm happy being me as I am. But needless to say my social circle is pretty small right now which is fine.

I dress down for my jobs, a lot, and don't bring too many coworkers into my personal life, so it's really the only time I fit into the "social norms" of society. More recently it's been a humor that one of the girls told me I strike them as a "lesbian gothic chick." And to think she's always been one of the more oblivious ones.

If you are looking to pursue more local friends for hangouts, or want something more than just a friend or social buddy, there are a few things that I do ask you keep in mind about me.

I currently don't drive, or have a car. I have pretty bad anxiety in cars due to being in a car accident that left the base of my spine broken for a period of time. It wasn't fun, and it isn't fun having to rely on people for rides, but I'm working on it. It's just a slow process. It's understandably a frustration at points for all parties involved because there's really nothing I can do at the moment and some people see it as having to go out of their way for me but for now it is what it is.

I also work a lot. At one point in time I was working a rough 110-120 hours a week between two full-time jobs as a shift manager for McDonald's by night and a department manager for Verizon by day - the cable part of the business, not the little cell phone stores that they have, just to be clear about that. Completely different ball games there. Now that I'm done with those ridiculous hours I've fallen into a pretty steady rotation of 60 and 73 hours in a biweekly schedule working solid overnights between the job at McDonald's part time and working full-time at a factory. I was raised to work for what I have and I know I can have pretty expensive taste, especially when it comes to boots. I love boots. And, to be honest, I struggle to trust people to be reliable when it comes to bills being paid. Making enough to cover all the bills is my security blanket to knowing I'll have a roof over my head. It's something you'll have to tolerate for a while but just know I don't have any intention of working the way I am forever.

I don't have kids, I have four-legged heathens who don't know the meaning of privacy, personal belongings or boundaries, and they are 100% non-negotiable. I house four cats and a dog. Only two of the cats were initially mine, two belonged to a very good friend of mine who could not house them so I was fostering them for him but as it's been a good amount of time and he still cannot take them back I am officially calling them mine. I would say my cats have gotten too attached to them, because they have, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't emotionally invested in them myself. My poor little heart would probably break if I had to give them back now.

I'm a Pescetarian, I don't eat meat. I still eat dairy and fish, sushi is too good to even try to give it up. You eat meat? That's cool. I really don't care what kind of diet you eat as long as it's not all junk food all the time, because to be fair junk food can be great sometimes. Don't act like my diet is less healthy than yours please, I just choose to not eat some types of food just like you can choose not to eat a salad. Other people eating meat doesn't bother me, just look at where I work, so don't let my soy and tofu eating ways bother you. It's amazing how many people actually get bothered by this.

If you want to know more about me, my inbox is always open. I like to be an open book and love talking to people so feel free to chatter with me. My responses might be a little delayed depending on the day of the week but I do my best to keep people from waiting too long.



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