

62 - Straight

Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Jul 25, 2019 12:47

I love to stay in and go out, I am very tactile, love to cuddle up, hold hands when out and I am always faithful to the lady in my life as this is the one rule that must never be broken, other than that I am pretty much open to anything ha ha.
I have a good, happy and adventurous life, it would be lovely to share it with someone special.
I hope to think that I am a genuine and nice guy who was brought up by good parents to respect and treat everyone with dignity and kindness.
I would warn you though, I am a terrible romantic, who will buy you flowers and take you out for meals and always look after you. I don't know if that's a bad thing though ? I am just an old fashioned gentleman really. I am also very passionate and like my lady to be the same.
I have three motorcycles, two of which are Harley Davidsons. I travel around this country and to Europe to motorcycle events, these can be from day trips, weekends or even more. Because of this I am lucky enough to have friends all over the UK, Europe and the USA.
I usually have a long weekend in France just before Christmas just as a treat and maybe a little shopping and have a fly away holiday for a week somewhere every year just to chill and to be honest break up the oh so long winter.
I own my own house and am a self employed Carpenter, I have had my own business for around 20 years.
Please don't let the motorcycle thing put you of I am just a normal guy who just happens to have them. It's not Sons Of Anarchy or anything ha ha.
I have a quite few tattoos as well (because I work in schools and public buildings they do not show to a great extent when dressed normally), again please do not let this put you of.
I do have long hair, as for the mustache etc I would be more than happy to remove those for you ha ha.
Please also do not be swayed or deceived by the way I look or my love of motorcycles, I like to think I am highly intelligent.
Never judge a book by the cover.
If you give me chance I don't think you will regret it, I am a romantic, a gentleman and very loving who's purpose in life to make his lady happy.
As I said never judge a book by the cover.
For example I am a published poet, now you didn't expect that ? ha ha.
Basically I am a glass half full type of guy ha ha.
Oh and I ,my profile and the pictures are 100% genuine unlike a lot of people on this site

I am looking for someone who will look forward to chatting to me as I am them (not start chatting and then just stop ? ) and eventually hopefully wants to meet up and maybe get to know each other a little more.



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