

25 - Straight

Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Feb 22, 2018 09:33

not my kid, saved him from the evil claws of a pram! and other people photobombing my pictures are not related!
there was no fecking way dating would work for me on a regular datingsite like Tinder or so, so i figured out maybe it would work this way. looking for cozzy, fun and nice contacts, talking, laughing and sometimes doing something fun or so and all that s**t.
i'm not really 'alternative' but what the feck, who cares?

i'm a 19 years old Medical-Biology student living on my own and financial stable with a big history behind me, in other words i work and study bacterials, virusses (be carefull, i might cause an epidemic!) fungi, blood, saliva, semen, bonemarrow etc.

are you the one i'm sharing my desserts with? or do i have to eat all those yummy things by myself?

sporty, loves to read. watches movies and tv-shows, but also would like to fall down an aeroplane with a parachute, paragliding, windsurfing or wingsuit flying. further are my hobbies sailing, gaming, reading going downtown and drink something and cuddling with passing doge. (do i have to mention anime and memes are also a big part of my life? git gut.)

op andere 'normale' datingssites werkte het niet, dus dan maar via andere manieren proberen.
ik ben opzoek naar gezellig contact, lekker mee kletsen, een keer iets leuks doen en al die onzin die erbij hoort.
ik ben niet écht 'alternatief' maar wat the feck boeit dat eigenlijk?

ik ben 19 jaar, student medische biologie en woon op mijzelf, en ik ben klaar met lekkere dingen in mijn eentje op te eten en lekkere toetjes niet te hoeven delen

sportief, leest graag boeken, kijkt graag films en series maar zou ook eens lekker willen parachute springen, paragliden, windsurfen of wingsuit flying. verder zijn hobbies sporten, lezen, gamen, zeilen, en terrasje pakken, bankhangen en knuffelen met voorbijgaande hondjes.



Age: 26 / straight



Age: 29 / straight


Harry Poggers

Age: 21 / straight
