

33 - Straight

Michigan, United States

Dec 1, 2017 18:38

REAL NAME: Get to know me and find out

About me: I'm really shy at first but once you get to know me I'll show more and more of myself. I pretty much like all music except gangsta rap but I'm more a metal/hard rock guy. I think that gender roles are stupid so if your looking for the overly macho type, look elsewhere. I love animals. I have a little doofus of a furball named Cooper but he's full of love. Hedhogs are a planned pet for me sometime in the future. Currently, I'm taking care of my sick father in Wisconsin so I am out of the UP at the moment until further notice. I prefer the "stay at home take care of the chores and stuff" role because I'm a caregiver. I've raised younger siblings my whole life. I don't have kids of my own yet but want one someday. I'm looking for someone who isn't afraid to speak their mind and have a little kink or excitement in their lives. I'll list some interests below but if you want to know more and get to know me more personally, don't be afraid to message me. I don't judge and if you don't happen to click with me, at least I make a good friend. . Also I'm a smoker but I'm trying to quit and should be done soon.

Favorite TV Shows: I don't watch much TV right now but I keep track of The Walking Dead, Rick and Morty, and Game of Thrones. I follow a few others in and out. Oh and I like Anime/manga. I grew up with the big three (if you don't know what those are, you don't know anime) but I've seen a lot. Current faves are Haganai, Negima!, Genshiken, Deadman Wonderland, and others.

Favorite Movies: Big Fish, V for Vendetta, Chronicle, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and Wristcutters: A Love Story

Favorite Books: The Stand by Stephen King, A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, Shutter Island by Dennis LeHane, The Charm School by Nelson DeMille, and The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks

Things I do: huge gamer (I play in tournaments for money sometimes), write my own stories, poetry, and lyrics, go for walks, jam out, and enjoy what each day has to offer. And other things but if you want more you know what to do!

Favorite lyrics:

"We're all architects of our own private hell."-- Young Guns - "Bones"

"If strength is born from heartbreak, then mountains I could move"-- Rise Against - "Drones"

"I don't even trust no one. I need to rise above. I don't think I'm good enough to feel your perfect love. I'll follow you out of the dark. I'm trying my way but I'm falling apart. Ill follow you with all of my heart. I'm tired of my ways but I keep falling. I'm falling apart." -- Papa Roach - "Falling Apart"

So yeah, that's all I got for now. Later, gator. Oh and my personality type is INFP-T. Look it up and you'll know a little something about me



Age: 56 / straight

United States


Age: 43 / straight

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Age: 26 / straight

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Age: 28 / straight

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Age: 33 / bi

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Age: 30 / straight

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Age: 20 / straight

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Age: 32 / straight

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Age: 29 / straight

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Age: 41 / straight

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Age: 51 / straight

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