

26 - Bi

Alabama, United States

Jan 25, 2022 23:12

I liked My Chemical Romance before they were cool, and I think that Panic At The Disco! lost what made them special!

My favorite poem:
“I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.”

It speaks to me on a personal level as to who we all are in life. People just suffering together.
Anyways my stepdad told me that I should get out of the house soon, so if you're willing to let me stay at your place or whatever that'd be hella cool.

Hey, so I've been kicked out of my stepdad's house and my mom is dead, so I'll be replying from an internet cafe for awhile, so if I don't get back to you soon that's why.

Oh I should probably talk about things I like. Burning public property, listening to my imaginary friends Emo Elmo, Bullimic Blues Clues, and Eeyore. My favorite band actually changed because I'm not some poser who listens to the same songs everyday so my new favorite band is Peehole Skin with their underrated hit "Uhh, Feelings!"

My photos may say I'm short and fat with bad acne, but in reality I'm like a 9 on the PHAT scale (Pretty Hot and Tempting).

My motto: "I think it's gay to eat, so I was gay before it was cool."

Since I'm in an internet cafe, I have another motto. "When I'm sad, I cut myself...another piece of cake."

Update Guys! I'm back. Had to leave the internet cafe because my overwhelming disgusting smell was making all the normal people want to leave, so the restaurant owner kicked me out. I'm now sitting in my local library looking at She Wants Revenge videos on Vimeo which is better than YouTube in my opinion. If you didn't know, I am still really looking for a place to sleep. The spot under the bridge is nice to get my emo vibes going, but I kind of don't like how every time it rains, I get hit by a wave of water as a car passes by so yeah that sucks. I have lost some weight and by that I mean I gained a solid twenty pounds. Anyway, hit me up if you want to listen to some BVB (That's Black Veil Brides for all you fake hipster posers out there!)
Btw now that I am 21, anyone trying to link up and get blacked? Hit me up @yama_hama

Hey guys still alive somehow. Back at ya with the Adam Schlesinger Spoiler Alert for you guys. So Corona am I right? Since the schools are closed, I decided to live in my local playground where I become an absolute unit on the monkey bars. You won't be catching me simping on some ***** no cap #chadmaterial is what the kids these days are saying. Anyway living in garbage listening to Garbage (the band not the product), and was wondering what everyone was listening during hardcore emo ass times. Since we can't hang out at local bookstore parking lots anymore anyone want to link up and get riggidy recked since no one to my 21st. Let's make my 22nd bearable. Signed the Weeaboo Ninja Sasuke Uchiha @kentaro_muro.



Age: 34 / bi

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