

55 - Straight

West Riding of Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Jan 21, 2011 15:04

Following single life becoming a bore, and knowing most of the local Alternative community, its time to spread my wings!
Pics and more details to follow.

Ok, as promised, more blurb and pics....

Ok, where to start.
I'm a 42 year old young at heart music fan living in Huddersfield.
I have a broad taste music wise, which wasn't always the case. I started listening to Punk after my stepbrother dragged me to se the UK Subs in '79'. Since then my taste has gone through a few changes, but still love everything Punk, Ska, swing, rockabilly and psychobilly.
At the moment my I pods rocking out a wide range of sounds, from the likes of 'The Frantic Flattops', 'Bad Religon' for a bit of US punk, and 'The Cherry Poppin Daddies' for some nice smooth swing sounds.
fave band live where i work at the mo are these guys....
Jaya fookin rock!!!!
Its also crammed full of Ska, both modern and proper old school Trojan records classics.
Recent gigs have been 'Sublime', and have tickets for 'Less Than Jake' and 'NoMeansNo' to use in the coming months.
Told you there was a wide range of taste.......

I'm lucky with what i do work wise, as i work for a small music venue, where we showcase local talent and bands from all over the world. As well as live bands we have a monthly Burlesque night, and put on charity events.
Its great to get paid for doing something that you have a passion for.

I'm also a big movie fan, loving a wide genre of movie styles, from black and white comedy to the Star Wars movies. I also love everything Pixar, lets face it, these films are made for adults, not kids....

I love the great outdoors, have a real passion for getting away from it all. I try to get to the Lakes, or Wales at least a few times a year. Don't get me wrong, i am not super fit, but as such get a great deal of satisfaction getting to the top of a good trail, regardless of how red faced and puffing i may be.
As much as possible i also like to poke around heritage sites and old buildings.

Amongst my more obscure pastimes, i attend airsoft Skirmish games. Airsoft is, in essence, similar to Paintball,is great fun, and at the end of the day keeps the pounds of my waistline.

Finally, i'll just mention my daughter. She's my pride and joy, just coming up to 19 years old, and works behind the bar where i work, which was, i'll admit, a little daunting at first, but i'm quite used to the idea that i'll be working at the venue, and all of a sudden my daughter will come charging over and hug me.....
So, as well as me, you may aquire a slightly mad nearly 19 year old as part of the deal.....
You have been warned.....

Finally, after all this positive stuff, i have one pet hate, panic not, its nothing that bad.
Repro T shirts!
Yes, that simple. It started for me about 5 years ago, I own an origional 'Stations of the Crass' T shirt, faded, full of holes, but an origional. I ewas horrified to see Beckham in the papers wearing a pink pimped version of the same t shirt!!!!
Then Top Man did a whole range of Pink Ramones T shirts!!!!!
Sorry, just bugs me, rant over.....
Anyway, after that i'll shut up now.
I reckon my starter for 10 will do for now.



Age: 34 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


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West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom

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West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

West Riding of Yorkshire
United Kingdom