

34 - Straight

Milan, Italy

Nov 26, 2017 13:58

Born in p**nogrind, grew up in death metal, dying in grunge. A genre that, unlike every respectable 16yo girl may think, had more to offer other than Nirvana. Unbelievable eh?

Not the flashy one. Don't need no fancy tattoos, no cool piercings, no long hair, no gimmicks, no bulls**t. Yet I find """freaks""" quite appealing, somehow.

250% Dog person
Slightly socially awkward
Non drinker, due to some past issues
Very laid back. Too laid back.
Non religious - my creed goes beyond gods and religions, rather transcendental philosophy. If you are into Nietzsche, you already know where this is going.
And *unpopolar opinion warning* not into anime stuff at all. I just find it ridiculous.

Music is indeed my life.
I play drums (mainly) and bass (just for s**t n giggles).
Here to find some fellow musicians to discuss music. Mostly.
Hit me up, I'm more sociable than I look for sure.

And remember to support your local underground scene. Be that good lad/gal.

(This place is a bit of a cringefest tho)

(Edit: this place is THE cringefest. Alternative is good, "my-dad-never-gave-me-enough-attention" alternative is not good. Don't try too hard, please.)