

27 - Bi

Sydney, Australia

Jul 27, 2016 14:52

Haii , Im Niixy.. I love gaming i basically grew up with ps1, ps2.
I love ps2 games like ratchet n clank, crash bandicoot, tekken,
Spyro etc.. I still play those games till this day, i guess i stuck
to old school cx i like anime,My fave animes are death note and akuma no riddle,
I love pokemon i grew up watching it as a child , fave pokemons are
mew, mewtwo, pikachu, ninetails, charizard, wheezing, meowth, scyther, aerodactyl,
dragonite, charmander, jiggly puffs, gyrados.. i could go on forever o3o . Im kinda shy to be honest
u.u I love horror favourite movies are Silent Hill, Conjuring, Mama, Insidious, Nightmare
On Elm Street, The Hills Have Eyes, Saw,Scream.. i could continue but dont wanna bore you
. Im into SFX make up, I do a bit of it and Im, self taught , I started around about Julyish last year
doing sugar skulls with eyeshadow.. next thing you know i was making blood etc...
I love drawing, especially anime/cartoon things, at the moment I'm learning how to
tattoo cx I also love cosplay, Ive done a bit of it , including Harley Quinn, Alessa Gillispie,
Yuno and a few others. I have a pet bunny, and I love him to death. Hes my best friend n.n
His name is Demon- after the song waking the demon (bfmv) Ive given my heart out so many times,
for in return a last priority, All i wanna do is find Mr Right i like hugs btw (oo) i dont have kik
or snapchat, im usually on pc, I have Facebook and you can add me if you wanna , ( Niixy Siix )
feel free to message me on there if its easier . Have a rad day n.n



Age: 35 / straight



Age: 31 / straight
