

37 - Straight

Worcestershire, United Kingdom

May 5, 2016 10:30

Likes: tattoos, movies, blue eyes, love the Irish accent, love watching sports (football and f1 are my faves) my fave football team is man United I have a major thing for Cristiano Ronaldo.
Dislikes: cheaters, snakes, spiders, towie and the scouse accent.

I never send the first message i'm really bad I never know what to say and I suppose I'm just an old fashioned girl who thinks the guy should make the first move.

I lived and worked in Cyprus for 6 months, that was a great experience.

What I'm looking for is a decent guy that knows how to treat a woman right, someone who can make me laugh and feel special and someone who is looking for a long term relationship not a fling, I feel I am at that age now where I would like to find that special person to settle down with and have children with, I am looking for someone my own age or a bit older (28-36) so please don't waste your time or mine if you are younger or older, I've been with younger guys and found they are just not for me.

I do not reply back to cheesy messages or ones that just say 'hi' or how are you actually make conversation.



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