

39 - Straight

Georgia, United States

Jun 11, 2016 02:39

My name is Jacob, I'm 30 and living just south of Atlanta, Ga.
My personality is a little mix of everything, I truly fit the role of an "ambivert" (Both introverted and extroverted depending on context). I like to be adventurous and experience new things, just as much as I enjoy staying at home and playing with my cats. I'm a kind and loving person at heart, even though I don't have a problem standing up for myself when it is needed. I would classify myself as a fringe nerd (No, not the t.v. show) who dabbles in everything geeky without fully immersing myself into any one genre. My musical tastes are much along the same lines, though I do not care for 90% of country or rap music. My current hobbies are: Anything to do with the psychology or philosophy of consciousness. I enjoy anything related to the scientific field of astronomy (No, not astrology is not related to the field). I've also recently built a steam box so I can curve and shape wood in order make mirror frames inspired from the Gothic period.

Movies: Mostly comedies/ The standards: Boondock Saints, Usual Suspects, Fight Club, etc/ Anything Pixar made.
Recently I watched " What we do in the Shadows" and almost died laughing. It is currently one of my favorites.
I was also recently exposed to "Repo! the genetic opera" and quite blown away to see Sarah Brightman staring in it.
Not a huge fan of horror flicks, though I will watch them if the story line is compelling.

Music: Again, I kinda go all over the place with my musical tastes. One moment I'll be listening to heavy metal, the next Barry Manilow. However, there are a few groups that stay in constant rotation on my iphone: Depeche Mode, VNV Nation, Covenant, Wolfheim, Cruxshadows.
I am a huge VNV Nation fan and do not miss their show when they come to Atlanta.

f**king A, this is so boring trying to make myself sound worthy of someone else's attention. So hey, I can be fun and boring, suave and horridly awkward at the drop of a hat. I'm not a d**k and I respect everyone for being exactly what they are, Humans! Send me some digital love if you like what you see/read.
And feel free to ask any questions. I like to be an open book, or at least I'll say if I don't feel like divulging some information.


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