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46 - Straight

Nova Scotia, Canada

Oct 19, 2015 03:10

"Yeah, so enough about me, what do YOU think of me...?"

So, I looked at a few of your profiles, and not many of them remind me of mine...but a lot of them remind me of each other. So I figure I'm probably doing something wrong in the fitting in and acting normal department... but you know,this whole punk thing never used to be about conformists with coloured hair in the first place...ahhh who am I kidding? Myself, usually.

In other words, all systems functioning, well, normally I guess.

I dunno... I'm thirty seven, was gonna say I was 78, but that's the year I was born...hahaha, that probably makes me too old to be part of something called an "alt scene" (I gotta admit it feels a little yucky to even say it...), but maybe with a little luck I could find someone who at least isn't gonna subject me to listening to obnoxious twenty four year olds rapping about how f**kin cool they are...

Hahahaha, forgive me, that's not a very positive or proactive attitude to have, is it? Well, underneath this cynical exterior beats the heart of a former idealist.

That's not very good either actually, is it...

Well here's some things I like:

Good Music: This category includes a lot, a LOT...something from almost every genre. But you'll most always find me flipping between stuff by SLF, Ramones, Rancid, Forgotten Rebels, Sloppy Seconds, Stooges, Rudimentary Peni, Subhumans, Ministry,Nirvana, Devotchkas etc etc. though right this second im listening to a song called "letz rock" by someone/thing called muzzy. It's got this blend of speed and sound that's just amazing, and makes me want to get hold of a bunch of shipping containers and bury them up in the mountains so I can throw the right kind of parties for the right sort of people, which brings me to the next thing on the list...

Compounds!: Because what kind of self respecting misanthropic anthropoid doesn't want their own compound? A compound differs from a house in that it has multiple buildings. Enough buildings to start a cult, if you're, you know, into that sorta thing... It's great, because you can convince yourself that the rules and regulations of the rest of the world no longer apply inside the compound, you know, until state agents start firing incendiary bullets and concussion grenades through the living room...Bill Hicks...remember the scene where h's reporting from outside the Branch Davidian compound? "I'm standing on a compound of fire ants..." It's damn funny. "Yahweh division",.. go watch it...if it makes you laugh you might be someone I can talk to. Compounds f**king rock.

Privacy!: See Compounds.

Cryptocurrency: Economic DIY, because why the f**k not? I actually designed a cryptocurrency one time. Recruited a whole team and put it out there. I am no longer affiliated with it, but I'm thinking about getting it back...

Coding/Hacking: Two things I have not much idea how to do, but would like to start learning...can YOU do it? That would be s*xy. You impart the knowledge and i'll provide the square rimmed glasses?

D.I.Y: Not having to ask, pay, register, or be selected for it is the best.

Knowledge: Share and share alike.

Some Things I don't like.

Manipulators: I'm the only narcissist allowed in THIS relationship! lol... Seriously though, I've spent a lifetime associating with every kind of street person and hood you can imagine. You don't survive it without leaning to recognize who's a psychopath or narcissist...with a little luck you realize it before they stab you, take off with your money, or you find them in bed with your best friend... hahaha, you know, unless that s**t is part of the agreed upon arrangement (I tend to prefer if it isn't, but hey, there's no harm in asking).

Liars: See Above.

There's a ton of other s**t I don't like, but if I tell you it all now what am I gonna complain about? "I'm against it, whaddaya got", et al.

Kinda starting things over in a lot of ways... anyhow, for now I'm done with this...let's see if anyone's actually on here.


Gothic _Nightmare666

Age: 20 / straight

Nova Scotia

Alex Maclean

Age: 31 / straight

Nova Scotia


Age: 38 / straight

Nova Scotia


Age: 35 / bi

Nova scotia


Age: 37 / straight

Nova Scotia