

35 - Straight

Gauteng, South Africa

Aug 13, 2015 17:22

About me, I love having a laugh, I'm happiest when I make someone else laugh too. I'm a bit of a workaholic but only because I'm goal driven, and I strongly believe in always moving forward, even if its small steps at a time. I'm not an outdoors person, but just as much as I love my PC, I also know how important it is just to get away from technology and relax now and again. I'm also not really average/normal in any way, but not too eccentric, hah.
What I'm looking for basically is someone to share experiences with, see stuff with, someone I can rely on, just as much as I'd like them to rely on me. That person you can message any time of day, just to say the most stupid or random thing to, whether funny or serious. Someone who understands me in such a way, we could have a conversation just by looking at each other. Other than these things, im open to alot



Age: 31 / straight

South Africa


Age: 21 / straight

South Africa