

36 - Straight

Pennsylvania, United States

Jul 19, 2016 23:24

I graduated from PSU in 2010 with a degree in Psychology which I think helps me get a good read on people. I'm super laid back and don't easily get phased by much. I rarely get angry or frustrated and can always see the good in a situation or move past the bad. I'm usually the most upbeat guy in a group, always smiling or cracking wise. I find humor in odd but meaningful places so I tend to make myself laugh more than everyone else. So if you see me laughing at something you're not sure about, it's just me thinking of something in my head that's making me laugh. I enjoy life that way.

During my free time I'm usually at the movies, playing games or listening to podcasts/watching videos about games. Games are probably the biggest part of my life outside of work/family. Everyone has a "thing" they latch onto and get fanatical about, right? Games are mine. Ocassionally I'll have a chance to go downtown with friends depending on my work schedule. I love trying new fancy beers or getting excited about old favorites. I work at Giant as our beer department manager. It's fun having work relationships with outside vendors. It can be interesting having to deal with different personalities that have their own agendas since they're working for other companies themselves. My hope is that down the line I'll be able to move over to an actual distributor or brewery for work. I don't make much but I live alone and pay the bills so its enough to live the lifestyle I personally enjoy. Money is never a struggle.

I'm mostly into metal as far as musical tastes go but I will venture outside of that quite often with bands such as Die Antwoord, The Birthday Massacre, Morningwood, Mindless Self Indulgence etc. It's all usually dark in tone but the sound and atmosphere wildly differ from band to band. I'm also big into tv shows/movies. There's nothing like sitting down in a big theater on an opening night with everyone else's energy buzzing around you. I tend to avoid network tv since they're never as good as the Showtime/HBO/Netflix stuff. You know what I'm talking about ; ) A lot of people on these dating sites like to cite their outdoor habits. I wouldn't necessarily call myself an outdoorsman. I don't really hike or camp but I can appreciate nature and have been in awe at the things it has to offer, if that makes sense.

An ideal mate would be as optimistic as I am while still allowing themselves the room to enjoy the darker side of life. I tend to look for a laid back girl who can transition easily from loud bar to quiet living room. I'd prefer someone who has their priorities in order and is thinking about their future in a meaningful way, even if they're only Heading towards where they want to be in life. I care just enough about money to allow myself the room to live the kind of lifestyle I want and still be able to save extra slowly over time. Twenty seven isn't "old" but I need someone who's thinking long term. i.e. owning a home, children, etc. That's the kind've thing I mean when I say: thinking about the future in a meaningful way. I definitely need a woman who can completely geek out at a new Marvel movie but also be super enthralled at something deep, slow and quiet like Ex Machina. (check it out if you haven't seen it) Cuddling is a requirement/dealbreaker. I like to get my snuggles on. Other than that, unless I think of something else later, just be awesome. No pressure. I promise.

I would say message me if you're interested in striking up a conversation about any of the above or other stuff I may have left out that you have questions about.

If you plan on just texting/chatting forever, don't bother messaging or responding to me. I'd prefer to meet in person within a few weeks of starting up a conversation. Up until then you're honestly just a screen and everyone has plenty of those in their lives already. I'm fairly certain about what I want and it's Not another screen to talk to. Over the internet you can pretty much be whatever you want. In person, it's harder to be someone you're not and easier to be your self.


P.S. If you know my background image, we should probably talk. ^_^



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