

37 - Straight

Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Apr 25, 2015 11:21

Obviously it's not easy to describe yourself. But I'll give you the truth... Honesty is the best policy. I have been involved with drugs from a very young age.., in prison at 15 for armed robbery. I was on a complete meltdown with no reguard for anyone. 3 years ago I beat up and robbed a drug dealer. I Was looking at serving 8-10 years in prison but faked illness to be transferred to a secure unit.... I am a very loyal man, although I've been a bit crazy Im never angry, i know full well I sound like a nutcase but I'm a guy looking for a girl who can see through my past..... Oh and tattoos+piercings=😍x



Age: 41 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom

Dead Roses

Age: 25 / bi

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom