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41 - Gay

Co. Down, United Kingdom

Apr 21, 2015 17:04

Looking to meet a nice guy for something more than a quick shag. I generally find someone with a great personality gets better looking, and vice versa, no matter how hot (or not) they are. Mind you, tattoos, piercings and fantastic hair will definitely get my interest. I AM pretty short tho, and while I wish I didn't have an issue with this, if you're a foot taller than me I'm probably not gonna be interested. 5'9/10 is probably my limit, but if you're taller than that and you feel like trying your luck you better have the personality to pull it off

I'm pretty quiet until I've had a few drinks, I'm not shy, just a man of few words. Doesn't mean there's nothing going on I just choose to observe...I always have blackmail material that way ;P Once I start talking I'm told I'm pretty funny, and don't mind making a fool of myself if it gets a laugh, but I do like the occasional deep and meaningful too.

I go out at least once a week, it's usually karaoke, and yes I do sing. I apologize in advance. I'm also a pretty serious pc gamer, mostly action-RPG type games, but I play a wide variety of stuff. Would be nice to find someone to share that little obsession with.

Been happily single for a while for various reasons, but I'm starting to feel awkward being the only single one of my friends now, and since they're all straight, and I don't do 'the scene' I thought I may as well give this a go



Age: 33 / straight

Co. Down
United Kingdom


Age: 38 / straight

Co. Down
United Kingdom