

42 - Straight

Angus, United Kingdom

Mar 1, 2015 08:46

I'm generally very laid back but enjoy intense, passionate discussion about ideas, music and almost anything with a whiff of geek about it. I'm a multi-instrumental musician, though primarily a drummer. My favourite band is Pearl Jam, but I also greatly admire Dave Grohl, Tool, St Vincent, Sepultura, Tom Waits, Dead Kennedys, Johnny Cash, Devo and lots of others. I also enjoys other genres of music such as 1920's dance/swing, soul, pop, folk, punk, traditional and really anything that I think has interesting ideas or distinct personality about it.

I work in the local infirmary but within 10 yrs, hope to become a full-time landlord and retire early. Then I'll just sit down, start playing my drums and never stop until my heart gives out and explodes in my chest in a lurching, white-out flare of terror, sweat and ecstasy. Good times.

I'd describe my sense of humor as cynical, whimsical and often silly.



Age: 32 / straight

United Kingdom


Age: 40 / straight

United Kingdom