

40 - Straight

Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom

Mar 30, 2010 14:06

Hi, Im Stuart and I have come back to give it a final shot to see if a cool gal is out there! if possible?

I have just recently bought my first house in Bridgend which, as i now discovered, takes a good hit on your self and the pocket

I enjoy going to the cinema every week with my best mate where we usually catch between 2 to 3 films a week. Occasionally i do actually get out and about and when i do I usually hang out with the guys or, if im feeling energetic, go on a mad one in Cardiff (and only in good rock clubs ). That doesn't always happen and i usually chill in my house (odd saying that) by either watching some download shows or a film or 2. I download every week the latest shows from the states (as they are not out here yet!) from lost to 30 rock, to office to flash forward.

At the moment i am happy with my job. I am full time as a senior computer programmer for a company called Quote exchange (which is in cwmbran and its a hell of a travel every day). However, i would like to work for a larger company like DC comics or, my dream, working for the wwe

The types of music i listen to are punk, punk rock, punk pop, punk ska, metal, heavy metal, rock. Basically most alternative stuff. Bands like the Offspring to Black Sabbath, Rob Zombie to Bowling for soup etc...

Also, i would love to travel more of the USA, Asia and Africa. I went to New York in 2007 for 2 weeks and so far, it was the greatest 2 weeks on my life The highlight of the whole trip was that i seen and sweated on the ghostbuster building and, a little closer to being a ghostbuster . Also i am a huge fan of Kevin Smith and we went all the way to Red Bank New Jersey to see Jay and Silent Bob's secret stash and, we went to leonardo to the Quick Stop! and yes, we went straight to the milk

What makes me unique? My personality and the fact I will say just what's on my mind. Also, im a big believer in the truth. Best out than in i always say . I also have 3 tattoo's: 2 of them are star wars releated (yes, i am a huge star wars fan) and a number 37 on my left arm (dedicated to kevin smith).

Theres so much more but really cant think of it at the moment but please do not hesitate to ask



Age: 35 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 33 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 36 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 35 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom


Age: 41 / straight

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom

Dead Roses

Age: 25 / bi

Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom