

36 - Straight

Western Australia, Australia

Sep 14, 2009 14:17

You dont know where i live so dont tell me that i "live to far away" at least try to be original

hey, i'm deca.

i am tall.

i only work in wa.

i am annoying.

i love zombie movies.

i am a lot smarter than i let on.

i dont get rugby.

I'm originally from vic.

i dont eat anything that swims.

i have no feeling in my left foot.

i am fun.

i cant say echidna.

i go through a lot of mobile phones.

i am sarcastic.

i am an ex dairy farmer(really
miss it)

i have a dry sense of humor at times.

i love surfing but hate the sand.

i love the pickles in maccas cheese burgers.

i am definitely unique.

i only used a capital at the start of one sentence in this profile.

i drink a lot of milk.

i am terrified of snakes.

i dont like being by myself.

i am loud.

i am queit.

i eat brussel sprouts.

your mum would like me.

i love music.

i often get hit on by gay men(i dont know why that is).

i like that you wont meet any one else like me.

i sing really loudly in my machine because no one else can hear me(i dont think they can anyway).

i cant dance but still try.

i think canadians are cool.

i have a favorite paddock.

i can never make my mind up about what i want so i want everything.

i have no sense of reallity.

i love coco pops.

i am very easily bored.

i am out of ideas.

anything else?



Age: 28 / straight

Western Australia


Age: 37 / straight

Western australia


Age: 31 / straight

Western Australia


Age: 23 / straight

Western Australia


Age: 37 / straight

Western Australia


Age: 45 / gay

Western australia