
Scientists Are Developing A Fentanyl Vaccine

Scientists Are Developing A Fentanyl Vaccine

emperorroberto Created Feb 5, 2023 11:48

It keeps people from ODing,getting withdrawals and getting high


This topic has 40 comments


Feb 6, 2023 08:32

That's good because I have had a couple of friends die because of that horrible s**t. I would like to see it completely eliminated, its destroyed all other drugs. Everything out there now is laced with fentynal and its revolting to see what the drug culture has been reduced to..


Feb 6, 2023 10:02

Yeah,it's horrible.Also terrible to see how many people have become heroin addicts


Jul 24, 2023 02:17

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Jul 24, 2023 02:48

No. Do not invent a fentanyl vaccine. Let them dumb ass retards who stick heroine in their veins die. If they are dumb enough to do that, they deserve it.


Jul 24, 2023 03:14

I wouldn't go that far.I get if they are stealing from people that they know.


Jul 24, 2023 03:28

Heroine is also what has been approved of as medicine,sure it's opioids but heroine none the less

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Jul 24, 2023 06:23

it seems to me that those who want to live high will just find another way to hang out and still kill themselves. but the thing is good, at least it will help those who really want to get off.

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Jul 24, 2023 19:26

Wtf Roberto, don't unblock me!!

Haha, just kidding. Hi mate!🤗

I've been in the hospital for a few weeks, been on morphine (essentially heroin, right?) for quite a while.
Once I got off from that (not gradually, I got withdrawal symptoms: very emotional for two days.
After that. Done. Didn't ever want that in my body again!
I guess I'm saying, to me, the reason for taking the drugs is a big driver for whether or not you'll become addicted to it. If you have problems, drugs will likely drag you deeper. Taking away the drugs doesn't solve the problem really, does it?

Maybe fentanyl is much worse? I'm not experienced in that...

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Jul 25, 2023 03:15

Went through a very small oxycodone phase to see why people do it... Felt the effects of the opioid, stupid drug. Mdma remains the ultimate drug. Opiods are total slimey s**t.

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Jul 25, 2023 06:00

I must wear a 75mg fentanyl transdermal patch which must be changed every 72 hours, it kills a lot of the pain I am in due to a damaged nervous system which has left me with exposed nerve stems. If I stopped taking the fentanyl I would have to go back to heavy drinking, something I don't want to do.


Aug 1, 2023 08:12

I say we round up all the drugs and nuke it all!

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Aug 2, 2023 15:36

You're not having my antibiotics. Third week on the little bastards.
Fortunately immortal souls don't have nukes, only the super wealthy, disconnected from the real world morons that somehow get into power... Which should be servitude


Aug 2, 2023 17:14

Abortion is murder Steve, so you're saying you condone murder of innocent unborn children? Are you insane? Yet you wanna say I'm crazy! Look at you! You're a hypocrite!!

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Aug 2, 2023 21:51

Terminating a collection of cells before it's a functioning life of its own is not ending a life. Pro choice you might call it. America indoctrinates people into backward though far too easily.


Aug 2, 2023 23:50

Abortion is murded you f**king idiot!!!


Aug 2, 2023 23:50



Aug 2, 2023 23:51

A cell is a living organism dumbass!!!


Aug 2, 2023 23:51

Thats what they never taught your dumbass in school!


Aug 2, 2023 23:52

You're as dumb as the rest of them!!!


Aug 2, 2023 23:52

Reprobate moron!

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Aug 2, 2023 23:53

Lettuce is made of cells, anything you eat is made of cells. It's not self aware or even functioning as a human at a few weeks old. Do you feel bad is you step on a snail or kill a spider? Probably not, you just go with what you think sounds best.


Aug 2, 2023 23:54

Matt you're a f**king moron, go jump off a cliff and die!!!


Aug 2, 2023 23:55

Morons like you belong in a sanitarium!!!

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Aug 2, 2023 23:58

Fortunately in the UK we don't have those and we have choice. Hopefully you don't get to choose and pass your genes on. That would be a tragedy...


Aug 3, 2023 01:33

whtas up vamps ass is he always so sour

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Aug 3, 2023 01:35

He's cast himself as a villain and plays it out. When he's in a good mood he's quite decent actually


Aug 3, 2023 01:41

Abortion actually is murder but I zm kind of pro choice just because that is the way things were my whole life.Idk,what the he--to say about it?I mean a woman jight get an illegal procedure if she has to which could kill her


Aug 3, 2023 01:56

F u c k Steve.He just shows up to bother people.


Aug 3, 2023 05:05

You want me to be a villain? You got one!!!

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Aug 3, 2023 05:41

Ya know, there is an excuse for everything.

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Aug 6, 2023 03:24

Turns out, African Nationalists are in business with the chinese chemists that put fentynal in dope.


Aug 6, 2023 23:56

I'll have to check to see if that's true but I remember a while ago Mexico asking China for help w the fentynal problem when Mexican Mafia smuggles it into the US and also the US is working on the vaccine.


May 10, 2024 06:34


Mr Beelzeebubbles

May 12, 2024 19:29

I'd worry that anything that would block fentanyl would also block the bodies natural pleasure responses. Great, you're off fentanyl, but you'll never really enjoy anything for the rest of your life.

Scuffed in Stourbridge

May 14, 2024 15:05

Eh, just let everybody do whatever they like, and deal with the consequences on their own.
I'm starting to come round to the medieval idea of the "Just World".
Maybe people get what they deserve, and just fail to understand why it's not the same as what they thought they deserved, or wanted.
Of course, that would necessitate belief in a higher power, and I'm ambivalent on that.

Mr Beelzeebubbles

May 24, 2024 14:11

But the medieval world was built on the backs of a massively oppressed peasant/serf/slave class.

Scuffed in Stourbridge

May 26, 2024 13:59

@Mr Beelzeebubbles
Are you conflating those three different things out of ignorance or lack of care for the subject?
Irrespective; Ew.

Anyway, the local baron has obligations to his feudal charges.
A serf is expected to work a couple days a week for his lord, and has the rest of his time to work his own plot and attend his own business.
What obligation does some HR manager have to me?
None that matter, other to fire my ass like a two pound howitzer as soon as I express what I *really* think.
Tolerance and Freedom are just mouth-noises.

Say what you like about feudal nobility, but they left the peasants to talk among themselves, even if only because they felt their opinions were literally beneath notice.

Nothing is uglier or wickeder than some omnipresent moral busybody on a crusade against reality itself.
What was the quote? “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis

As for slaves, hah.
There are more of those today than ever.
There are open air slave markets in Libya where you can buy a thirteen year old girl for the price of an Xbox game.
Thanks Obama.

Scuffed in Stourbridge

May 26, 2024 14:07

Anyway, that's just me griping about modernity; the morally consistent answer would be that Peasants must be bad people, because God didn't make them nobility, so Deus Vult, and drive the Saracen dogs from The Holy Land.
Dieu et Mon Droit.


May 26, 2024 17:30

Fentanyl is killing people, it killed George Floyd


May 26, 2024 21:52

The guitarist from pink floyd?


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